Phase 2
Day 3
At the third online session of the Citizens' Assembly "Germany's Role in the World" on 20 January 2021 from 6 - 9 p.m., the travel groups met to discuss the individual subject areas. After keynote speeches by experts with the opportunity to ask questions, the topics were worked on in small groups.
Daily programme of the travel groups
- Sustainable development: The sustainable development goals (DE - PDF)
- Economy and trade: Germany's role in international trade (DE - PDF)
- Peace and security: Germany's role in international peacekeeping using the example of Afghanistan (DE - PDF)
- Democracy and the rule of law: What are democracy and the rule of law, and what do they have to do with Germany's role in the world? (DE - PDF)
- European Union: The relationship of Germany's foreign policy to the foreign policy of the EU (DE - PDF)
Sustainable Development
Economy and trade
- Matthias Krämer: Germany's role in international trade
- Jürgen Maier: Germany's role in international trade
Peace and security
- Hans-Lothar Dömröse: Germany's role in international peacekeeping, the example of Afghanistan
- Dr. Almut Wieland-Karimi: Germany's role in international peacekeeping, the example of Afghanistan
Democracy and the rule of law
European Union
The experts
Sustainable development
Economy and trade
- Matthias Krämer, Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI)
- Jürgen Maier, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung
Peace and security
- General (ret.) Hans-Lothar Domröse
- Dr. Almut Wieland-Karimi, Zentrum für internationale Friedenseinsätze (ZIF)
Democracy and the rule of law
European Union