Phase 2
Day 4
At the fourth online session of the Citizens' Council "Germany's Role in the World" on 27 January 2021 from 6 - 9 p.m., the travel groups met to discuss the individual topics. After keynote speeches by experts with the opportunity to ask questions, small groups have been working on the topics.
Daily programmes of the travel groups
- Sustainable development: The sustainable development goals (DE - PDF)
- Economy and trade: Germany's role in international trade (DE - PDF)
- Peace and security: Germany's peace and security policy role in the world - How must the Bundeswehr be equipped to fulfil its current role? (DE - PDF)
- Democracy and the rule of law: The role of democracy and the rule of law in international cooperation and multilaterism (DE - PDF)
- European Union: Unanimity or qualified majority in EU foreign policy? (DE - PDF)
Economy and trade
- Dr. Boniface Mabanze Bambu: Germany's role in international trade
- Bertram Kawlath: Germany's role in international trade
Peace and security
- Ralf Becker: Scenario 2040 - Germany as a civil security actor
- Ulrike Esther-Franke: Security and defence policy
Demokratie und Rechtsstaat
The experts
Economy and trade
- Bertram Kawlath, Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau (VDMA)
- Dr. Boniface Mabanze Bambu, Kirchliche Arbeitsstelle Südliches Afrika (KASA)
Peace and security
- Ralf Becker, Initiative "Sicherheit neu denken"
- Ulrike Esther-Franke, European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)
Democracy and the rule of law
European Union