Foreign Minister Maas meets participants of the Citizens' Assembly "Germany's Role in the World"
Foreign Minister Heiko Maas wants to learn more about the results of the recently concluded Citizens' Assembly on "Germany's Role in the World". On 9 April, at the invitation of the Federal Foreign Office, a video conference is planned with around 15 of the participants of the Citizens' Assembly selected by lot. The initiators and the implementing institutes will also be represented by Claudine Nierth, board spokesperson of Mehr Demokratie, which co-initiated the Citizens' Assembly, Christine von Blanckenburg of the nexus Institute and Jacob Birkenhäger of ifok, who were the main moderators of the Citizens' Assembly.
At the open discussion, the citizens are to present the results from the five thematic fields of the Citizens' Assembly - Peace & Security, Economy & Trade, European Union, Democracy & Rule of Law and Sustainability. According to the planning staff of the Federal Foreign Office, an exchange of views on the "exciting results, which have received a lot of attention in the House" is then planned. The thematic focus is to be on Germany's multilateral engagement, including the "Alliance for Multilateralism" and the "White Paper on Multilateralism", which the Federal Government is currently drafting under the auspices of the Federal Foreign Office.
The Citizens' Assembly "Germany's Role in the World" was the second nationwide sortition-based Citizens' Assembly and took place under the patronage of Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble. The theme "Germany's Role in the World" came about at the request of the Bundestag's Council of Elders. At ten online events from 13 January to 20 February, some 160 people randomly selected from the population registers made recommendations on how the Federal Republic should appear on the world political stage in future. The results were compiled in a 75-page citizens' report and presented to the President of the Bundestag and the parliamentary groups on 19 March.
All information on the Citizens' Assembly:
Citizens' report:
+++ For questions about the event:
Claudine Nierth, board spokesperson Mehr Demokratie,