Phase 2

Day 5

January/February 2021

At the fifth online session of the Citizens' Assembly "Germany's Role in the World" on 30 January 2021 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., the members of the individual travel groups met in plenary to exchange information on their work to date. Afterwards, work on the individual topics was continued in the travel groups. After thematic inputs by experts and a Q & A round, the topics were be worked on in small groups.


9:00 - 12:30: Plenary session (DE - PDF)

12:30 - 13:30: Break

13:30 - 17 h: Travel groups and conclusion in the plenum

Daily programmes of the travel groups


Sustainable development

Economy and trade

Peace and security

European Union

The experts

Substainable Development

Economy and trade

Peace and security

European Union