Phase 2

Day 7

January/February 2021

At the seventh online session of the Citizens' Assembly "Germany's Role in the World" on 6 February 2021 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., the members of the individual travel groups met in plenary to inform each other about their work so far and to exchange ideas. Afterwards, the work continued in the travel groups on the individual topics. After impulse lectures by experts with the opportunity to ask questions, the topics were worked on in small groups.

In the morning, Bijan Djir-Sarai (FDP), Reinhard Brandl (CSU), Gregor Gysi (Linke), Roderich Kiesewetter (CDU), Nils Schmid (SPD) and Ottmar von Holtz (Grüne), representatives of the parliamentary groups in the Bundestag, were guests. They exchanged views with the Citizens' Assembly participants on foreign policy issues. The AfD representative who had been invited did not attend the meeting despite having agreed to do so.


9:00 - 12:30: Plenary session (DE - PDF)

12:30 - 13:30: Break

13:30 - 17:00: Travel groups and conclusion in the plenum

Daily programmes of the travel groups


Sustainable development

Economy and trade

Democracy and the rule of law

European Union

The experts

Sustainable development

Economy and trade

Democracy and the rule of law

European Union