
Timo Klostermeier / pixelio.de

The Citizens' Assembly process was observed and scientifically evaluated by the IASS (Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies) and the IDPF (Institute for Participation and Democracy Research at the University of Wuppertal). Representatives of both institutes were observing the online sessions of the Citizens' Assembly. The materials and online tools provided were examined and evaluated. The participants drawn by lot were asked for feedback on their experiences with the Citizens' Assembly in interviews and by questionnaire. The organisers of the Citizens' Assembly and political actors were also interviewed.

The aim of the evaluation was to examine the Citizens' Assembly format and to provide scientific impulses for the introduction of this democratic instrument at the federal level. In the end, fundamental insights and recommendations on the Citizens' Assembly format were made. The members of the evaluation team were also able to comment and make suggestions on the ongoing process.

Members of the evaluation team:


  • Prof. Dr. Hans Joachim Lietzmann
  • Matilda Döring
  • Anna Nora Freier


  • Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn
  • Daniel Oppold
  • Nicolina Kirby