
The citizens' assembly goes online

"Keep your distance" is the slogan of the Covid-19 times. Consequently, events with a larger attendance are just not possible. The Citizens' Assembly "Germany's role in the world" is therefore going online. Read more

Citizens' assembly on Germany's role in the world

Germany will host the second nationwide sortition-based citizens' assembly. With the new citizens' assembly on the topic of "Germany's role in the world", the President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble, is assuming patronage for a new form of citizen participation in parliament. read more

About the Citizens' Assembly "Germany's role in the world”

It is an immense challenge for politicians to keep pace with developments in global politics. It is not easy to develop answers and solutions to this challenge without losing sight of the moods, demands, concerns and hopes of the population. This is why the Citizens' Council "Germany's Role in the World" is now in existence. read more

Citizens assemblies - how and why they work

How do we as a society find ways out of the democratic crisis, the climate crisis, the financial crisis? How can we shape our future, achieve a fair distribution of resources, achieve generational justice...? We need new ways of finding ideas, cooperating in the political arena and working together. In many countries, allotted citizens‘ committees, also known as citizens‘ councils or citizens‘ assemblies, have already been successfully set up. Our guide helps to understand what citizens assemblies are and how they work. read more